Free Online Course: Linking STEM Curriculum Learning to Careers
How will you develop your students’ career aspirations?
Enhance your role as a STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) subject teacher by linking curriculum learning to careers. Through weekly tasks, you will identify how to adapt your STEM curriculum, engaging your students in careers linked to their classroom learning.
Learn from experienced educators who have adapted their teaching, worked with employers and collaborated with local STEM Ambassadors to create a careers-linked curriculum that both engages and inspires students within the STEM subjects.
‘This course aligns to Gatsby Good Careers Guidance Benchmark 4 and is designed for teachers of STEM subjects. Participants will create a careers learning journey, linking the curriculum to careers through small tweaks to their lessons and developing longer term employer engagement. Sir John Holman provides an introduction and examples from the research and Gatsby pilot in the North East.’
Click here to sign up – IT’S FREE!
Find out more about STEM careers with STEM Learning:

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