STEM Ambassador Training Opportunity: HACKCampUK
HACKCampUK is an innovative and exciting project designed to connect children to careers in engineering and to play a part in shaping change in a rapidly evolving world.
Throughout 2019 and 2020 events will be hosted at Edge Hill University, Wigan STEAM, Mako Digital Arts and The Foundation For Digital Creativity as part of an RAEng-funded programme.
The project is being delivered as part of the This Is Engineering programme and is designed to equip engineers to inspire the next generation of innovators, inventors and problem solvers, particularly girls and children from under-represented backgrounds.
‘We’re currently recruiting engineers working or studying in the following areas to be part of this project: environmental, computing, chemical, civil, structural, energy and power, manufacturing and design, maritime, aerospace, chemical and process and medical engineering.
You will be assigned a mentor to support you during face to face or online sessions, to develop an offer you can share at our public engagement events, and go on to use to develop your role as an ambassador for engineering. We’ll prepare you to speak at school assemblies, deliver a hands on workshop, run careers day events, even support Brownies and Cubs to gain badges. It is an excellent opportunity to evidence to future employers and funders that you are passionate about developing the next generation of inventors and innovators and provides an opportunity to network with other engineers interested in advocating engineering as a career choice.
You need to be able to attend our training event at Edge Hill University on 21st September 2019 and deliver your finished workshop at a public engagement event at at least ONE of the following locations Wigan (January 2020), Merseyside (February 2020), Leeds (March 2020), Edge Hill University (April 2020).
The training is all completely free and we’ll even provide you with materials to develop your public engagement offer. There are travel and sustenance bursaries available on request.’
N.B The address given for the activity is that of the Merseyside and Cheshire STEM Ambassador Hub (All About STEM) as activities take place in various locations.
Questions? Contact [email protected]

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