CREST Bronze Awards
CREST Bronze Awards introduce students to project work empowering them to work like real scientists, technologists, engineers or mathematicians. Students choose their own topic and methodologies, giving them complete freedom over their work.
Students work independently or in groups to plan and run a project addressing a real-world STEM problem.
- Bronze Awards involve a minimum of 10 hours of work on one project area
- They use scientific and/or technical knowledge appropriate to students aged 11 to 14
- Students share their project outcomes with their peers (e.g. display, assembly, poster)
- Learners have active support from an educator: guiding students but allowing them to make decisions for themselves, reviewing progress regularly and supporting planning to maintain the pace of progress
Download the CREST Bronze Award Teacher Guide
Register your students for CREST Awards

SCHOOLS: The Big Bang North West 2020 is open for booking!
Look back: Big Bang North West 2019 – 8000 Children Celebrate STEM!
Look back: Big Bang North West 2019 – Your Fantastic Feedback!
Look back: Big Bang North West 2019 – The Movie!
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