CREST – Funding for young people underrepresented in STEM
The CREST Awards Scheme is a programme that aims to provide as many young people as possible (in particular those who are currently under-represented in STEM) the experience of behaving like a scientist or engineer by leading their own science/engineering projects to prompt them to see science as part of everyday life and consider it as a career.
The CREST Underrepresented Audience Grants are funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and aim to broaden the reach of the CREST Awards and enable young people to gain CREST Award who might face additional barriers to participation.
The fund is open to schools in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (including special schools, Early Years education providers and pupil referral units).
Fee paying schools and selective schools are not eligible for this grant.
Applicants can request up to £600 total towards running CREST awards, this breaks down into two categories:
· Up to £300 to cover CREST registration fees (you can find Award costs here)
· Up to £300 to spend on support costs for running the Awards, such as CPD for school staff, supply teacher cover, CREST link schemes or a delivery partner, consumables or equipment.
Click here to take a look at the criteria & apply…

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