Design a logo for a pin badge – NHS Blood and Transplant
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT, Tissue and Eye Services) are inviting learners to design a new logo for their staff pin!
“We are looking for students who are enthusiastic about helping NHS scientists by designing a logo for a staff pin badge. The logo should be related to any of these areas/topics: brighter horizons; future medicine; healthcare scientist; nursing care; eyedrop; heart; transplantation; tissue donation; bioengineering.“
Key information:
- Tissue and Eye Services are a part of the NHS which provides surgeons in the UK with tissues for transplant purposes, for example skin grafts or heart valve grafts. TES wish to move forward from the COVID pandemic, are looking forward to “Brighter Horizons” and wish to provide a pin badge to TES staff with a design reflecting this theme.
More information regarding what Tissue and Eye Services staff is doing can be found here. - The artwork produced by individual students can be a drawing or a graphic design piece of work. More than one topic listed above can be combined in the same logo. Some example of previous pin badges are shown in the image above.
- The logo will be officially presented to the staff attending an Annual Review Day event in January 2022, where ~200 members of staff will receive the newly printed pin badge. The aim of the event is to highlight achievements within the organisation, as a result of staff teamwork, to ultimately improve quality of life of patients receiving a tissue transplant.
The artworks will be judged by staff working in NHSBT, to select the top 3 logos that will better represent their work.
1st prize: winning student can visit NHSBT site in Liverpool (Speke) in early 2022 + pin badge printed for the whole class. Winning artwork will be officially presented at Annual Review Day 2021.
2nd prize: goodie bag (with merchandising material from NHSBT) for the winner + visit to the school of one NHSBT scientist (STEM ambassador) to talk about R&D work and NHS careers.
3rd prize: goodie bag (with merchandising material from NHSBT) for the winner.
In addition to the prizes, NHSBT Tissue and Eye Services are keen to present all submitted artworks during the staff event.
While sending the file with the artwork via e-mail, the student / teacher should provide permission to show the logo publicly. All students entering the competition will also receive a certificate!
IMPORTANT: Please send high resolution files of the artwork directly to the STEM ambassador organising this activity ([email protected]) by Wednesday the 1st of December 2021 at the latest.
.EPS or .AI files are preferable (on request of the badge production company).
.JPEG or .TIF files will also be accepted though these will need to revised for production.
If the artwork is a drawing, please use a scanner to send the image.
Age ranges:
7-11 yrs
11-14 yrs
14-16 yrs
Good luck!
Any questions? Contact [email protected]

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