Are you a Terrific Scientist? The BBC needs you!
BBC Learning is launching a bold, ambitious science campaign aimed at inspiring primary-age teachers and their pupils through exciting, innovative and accessible mass-participation investigations that every school can take part in.
They will also be hosting exciting content on their website and social media channels which launch in November.
As part of this content, they are curating a series on “Terrific Scientists” in which real life scientists have the chance to nominate their most inspirational scientific hero.
Children will have the chance to vote on which they think is the most “Terrific Scientist” of all, with more in-depth web content appearing around the winning scientist.
Scientists can be world famous or lesser known, dead or alive but the key is inspiration!
If you would like to submit a video the closing date is the 30th November 2016.
Click here for further information…
The Big Bang North West: Express your interest for our 2017 event!
Official Gallery: Thousands of children inspired at The Big Bang North West 2016!
The Big Bang North West 2016 Gallery: BBNW LIVE TWITTER ‘TRENDING’ NATIONALLY!
Headline Sponsors AstraZeneca ‘Heat Up’ The Big Bang North West
The Big Bang North West 2016: Booming Online!
The Big Bang North West 2016: Your Amazing Feedback!
The Big Bang North West 2016: A Teacher’s View