Encourage Children’s Curiosity: Grants up to £10,000
Curiosity is a brand new £2.5m partnership between BBC Children in Need and the Wellcome Trust which will use the power of engaging science activities to create change for children and young people experiencing disadvantage in the UK.
Applications are open for grants of up to £10,000 to fund projects that engage children and young people in science based activities. This is not about formal education. Projects should encourage young people to be curious about the world around them and inside them, making a positive difference in their lives: building confidence and self-esteem, developing life skills and expanding horizons.
“You do not have to be an expert in science, or even have delivered science activities before to participate, and we encourage organisations who want to try something new to apply.”
Successful applicants will receive support from the Curiosity team to help them deliver and learn from high quality science activity in an informal setting. “You will also be part of shaping the future of this exciting initiative as well as able to apply to further rounds of grant funding.”
Click here for further information and to apply…
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