Engineering Your Future Liverpool 2017: Inspiring Young Engineers!
On Friday the 13th of October, All About STEM were overjoyed to welcome over 20 schools and sixth forms to Engineering Your Future Liverpool!
Now in its seventeenth year in London and its eleventh year here in the North West, Engineering Your Future has become a key date in the diary of North West Secondary Schools and Sixth Form Colleges. This series of one day career events has been established to provide an opportunity for attendees to see that engineering is a career worth pursuing, and help them make an informed choice.
The day began with a welcome presentation from All About STEM Managing Director, Michelle Dow before groups headed off to interactive workshops with expert engineers from Farm Urban, Scott Safety/Tyco, AECOM, Cargill and Atkins Global.
Attendees had the opportunity to build their own aquaponics systems with Farm Urban. Farm Urban install and manage innovative, high-tech urban farms that produce low cost food in a sustainable and cost-effective way.
The next workshop showcased lifesaving technology, mechanical engineering and wearables from Scott Safety/Tyco. Sally Leyland, STEM Ambassador from Scott Safety was on hand to inspire students about future careers and students were lining up to try equipment, masks and thermal imaging devices.
Atkins Global introduced Engineering in Energy. They discussed ‘a fusion future’ and talked about nuclear uses in medicine and research. Attendees need a steady hand as they attempted to transport nuclear material.
There was an inspiring session with AECOM finding innovative solutions to the world’s most complex challenges!
Team AECOM discussed their own personal career paths and how anything is possible thanks to apprenticeships and vocational learning.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their structural engineering activity using spaghetti and marshmallows – one team built the Golden Gate Bridge!
Cargill provide food, agriculture, financial & industrial products & services to the world! To demonstrate environmental engineering, they set a challenge to separate oil and water… not an easy task!
Along with exciting hands-on workshops, the event included an Engineering Careers Market Place throughout the day providing information and advice for all. Students had the opportunity to visit numerous college and organisation stands to learn more about the options available to them.
Harold Stockdale, STEM Ambassador from the Institute of Physics worked alongside other ambassadors running market place careers stalls and workshops. Each school group was hosted by a STEM Ambassador mentor engineer who was able to share their career story informally with students throughout the day.
There were so many routes into engineering to discover, via qualifications, placements and apprenticeships – not forgetting video games to play and freebies too!
“Our students have had a great day at All About STEM’s Engineering your Future event, firefighting & going infrared! Thank you!” – St Edward’s College.
“Nothing beats a thermal imaging selfie! Thank you All About STEM!” – Birkenhead High School Academy.
Safe to say (without a bridge collapse or nuclear spillage in sight) Engineering Your Future Liverpool was a massive success! Thank you to everyone involved, the venue, professionals and all of our attending schools.
Missed it? Don’t worry, you haven’t missed out. We still have spaces available for our Warrington event. Click here for more information and to book.
Engineering Your Future is facilitated by All About STEM and jointly coordinated and sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Institution of Civil Engineers, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) and The Nuclear Institute.
There’s so much more to see!
Relive Engineering Your Future Liverpool 2017 in pictures here…
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