INVITATION: A FREE Schools Science taster session at the UKRCO Congress
April 16th 2018

INVITATION: A FREE Schools Science taster session at the UKRCO Congress

You are invited by the UKRCO Congress to a free science taster session for secondary school students ages 13-14.

Keynote speaker: DR EMILY GROSSMAN 

Did you know that you can block a tickle? Or that we share 50% of our DNA with a banana? Would it surprise you to discover that snakes can bite you even when they’re dead? That cows with names produce more milk? Or that there’s a planet on which a day lasts longer than a year? And could it be possible that there’s an animal that does square poos? Or that we make better decisions when we need a wee?!

In this fun and interactive science quiz show, Emily explains some of the world’s weirdest science facts. Emily uses audience volunteers to help her with simple and fun experiments, demonstrating core scientific concepts.

Plus… exciting, interactive and hands-on session to experience and learn about the basics of radiological and imaging science and medicine.

A learning and careers pack is also provided, useful to both teachers and students to take away.

When: Tuesday 3 July
2 sessions 1pm-3pm and 2pm-4pm (times may change)
Where: Exhibition Centre Liverpool, Albert Dock
Who: Years 9 and 10 students | up to 300 students will be recruited for the event
Cost: Free! Free to participate, school travel costs can be reimbursed
How: Register your interest online here

Click here for further information…


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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]