Smart Factory Expo: All About STEM’s Michelle Dow speaks on gender & skills gap solutions
November 21st 2018

Smart Factory Expo: All About STEM’s Michelle Dow speaks on gender & skills gap solutions

The 2018 Smart Factory Expo brought together expertise, ideas and opportunities. The UK’s showcase for the Fourth Industrial Revolution provided visitors with self-contained platforms to engage with world class exhibitors, innovative start-ups and sessions from some of the most exciting names in UK manufacturing.

All About STEM’s Managing Director, Michelle Dow was invited to the event as a guest speaker and All About STEM attended in support of the SFE’s STEM Student Afternoon.

LCR 4.0 Women Cluster Group
“Why aren’t women choosing engineering as a career?”

The expo hosted this cluster group to discuss the gender gap in manufacturing.
All About STEM’s Managing Director, Michelle Dow spoke alongside female manufacturers, STEM ambassadors and academics to discuss early engagement and promoting ‘STEM careers for all’ in schools and colleges.

Michelle said: “If you have governed a culture that only certain people work in certain industries this can of course be hard to change. We need to go back to the beginning. We talk about the skills gap all the time, but really we need to challenge everything. We can talk all day about the problems, but there are also so many solutions.”

Some of these solutions included; teaching parents and educators about the sector, to allow them to encourage their children into a prosperous career, and from an early age making girls aware of all the opportunities the manufacturing sector holds, as discussed by the panel.

“Manufacturing businesses are introducing initiatives and pushing diversity in industry forward, these women clearly represent what a virtuous path the sector offers.” – The Manufacturer.

More on the LCR 4.0 Women Cluster Group

The Future of Work – advancing jobs and skills for the future of manufacturing
Invest Liverpool LCR 4.0 Solutions Theatre 

The Solutions Theatre focused on specific themes related to 4IR and the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges.

In this session Michelle discussed the skills gap, connecting schools and businesses, All About STEM  & The Big Bang North West.

“What we always do, is make sure we tell a story. We want young people to know about the incredible careers that await them if they study STEM. Industry 4.0 is theirs…”

Smart Factory Expo STEM Afternoon for Students (14+)

The Smart Factory Expo STEM Afternoon for Students was a huge success with schools from across the region visiting to tour the exhibition and interact with exhibitors from the UK’s technology sector. Attendees could take part in a careers Q & A, visit the Best of British Showcase & The Manufacturer Top 500.

There were numerous interactive stands for the children to experience and enjoy, all of which focused on manufacturing careers.

About Smart Factory Expo

‘Digital technologies are impacting every aspect of manufacturing operations – linking together people, processes and products and transforming business outcomes. This ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ plays to the UK’s strengths – with a strong position in advanced manufacturing, and a world class high technology sector.

At Smart Factory Expo this all came together in an exciting combination of ‘show and tell’ – with pitch clinics, exhibition floor presentations, networking events, drop-in advisory clinics, the launch of the North West Pilot of the Government’s Made Smarter Review, and the country’s largest gathering of digital manufacturing exhibitors.’

More on Smart Factory Expo



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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]