Health & Life Sciences: STEM Ambassadors and Teachers – WE NEED YOU!
On 19th March, 15:30-17:30, All About STEM, and the Cheshire and Stockport SLP, are hosting a Health and Life Sciences Careers Networking Event.
Teachers & Careers Advisers!
Come and hear from the experts about the fantastic range of careers in health & life sciences so you can inspire your students with their knowledge.
Employers & STEM Ambassadors!
If you’re a STEM Ambassador, or employed by a company or organisation in any health or life science-related roles, come and join us to speak with the teachers!
We’d love to hear from you if you’re involved with:
- Any NHS role
- The NHS supply chain
- Pharmaceutical companies
- R&D staff
- Equipment developers
- Medical engineers
- Laboratory technicians
- Manufacturing engineers
- Other companies or roles that are connected to health/life sciences to show teachers the breadth of possibilities for their students
Let’s inspire children about health & life science careers and help build our future workforce!
To book to attend click here.
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