Careers Networking Event
On 19th March, 15:30-17:30, All About STEM, and the Cheshire and Stockport SLP, are hosting a Careers Networking Event.
Teachers & Careers Advisers!
Come and hear from the experts about a range of careers so you can inspire your students with their knowledge.
Employers & STEM Ambassadors!
If you’re a STEM Ambassador, an employer or organisation, come and join us to speak with the teachers!
The event format will be as follows:
- refreshments and informal networking
- an introduction to the STEM Ambassador Programme for teachers and any employers/organisations wishing to get involved
- A chance to hear from existing STEM Ambassadors about their experience of being involved in the Programme
- Speed-networking activity to enable teachers to find out about careers and school outreach offerings from STEM Ambassadors, employers and other organisations
Let’s inspire children about future careers and help build our future workforce!
To book to attend click here.

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