All About STEM Tour: National Apprenticeship Week – The ASK Project!
All About STEM celebrated National Apprenticeship Week with an extensive tour across the region to promote apprenticeships & The Ask Project. Did you meet Dave & Paul on their travels? We engaged with over 800 young people!
Monday: Dave arrived at Congleton High School to deliver an Apprenticeships Awareness assembly to 120 students from years 12 and 13. This was a fantastic session that allowed students to make informed choices about the next 6 – 17 months and consider their future destinations.

Tuesday: Dave and Paul visited Chester Catholic High School to take part in their year 10 collapsed timetable day where they were looking at various post-16 career paths. All of year 10 (in groups of 30 – 40) took part in an apprenticeships session and a have-a-go workshop where they explored the differences between becoming an apprentice or going to uni.
Following these sessions the team also engaged with years 12 and 13 with an awareness talk all about apprenticeships.

Wednesday: Paul headed to Birchwood High School to take part in their Careers Fair. He engage pupils from all year groups to get them thinking about apprenticeships as a next destination. Blaze the Bear was a big hit too!

Meanwhile, Dave set up at Chester College South and West to take part in their year 12 -13 Careers Fair. It was great to see so many young people excited about apprenticeships, especially when they learned more and discovered all of the available options.

Thursday: Dave went to Neston High School to educate their year 10 students about the brilliant opportunities on offer via the apprenticeship route. Paul took himself back to Congleton High School to engage the whole school around apprenticeships via their in-house Careers Fair.

Friday: Finally Dave visited Ellesmere Port C of E College to discuss apprenticeships with their year 10’s.
In total 800 young people were engaged in the ASK Project in 1 week alone making it a super-successful National Apprenticeship Week for All About STEM!
We can visit your school!
Ask Project now available in Wirral, Knowsley, Warrington & Cheshire
National Apprenticeship Week: Ideas, Resources & All About STEM on Tour

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