Active Cheshire: Everyday Superhero Awards 2019
What is that in the sky? Is it a bird, is it a plane… NO!
It’s an everyday superhero!
Active Cheshire are looking for everyday superheroes in Cheshire and Warrington who have inspired people to move more, no matter how big or small.
Active Cheshire wants to celebrate the unsung heroes in Cheshire and Warrington, sharing the good stories out there in our communities.
Enter the awards now and leave a winner after attending the fabulous awards ceremony at Chester Racecourse on the evening of Wednesday 25th September.
The Health and Social Care Award. This award celebrates everyday superheroes who provide any level of care, support or encouragement, whether social, health or medically related resulting in that individual getting more active.
The Active Mind Award. This award celebrates those everyday superheroes who have helped others to get others more active and have encouraged healthy habits that have built physical activity into everyday life, whilst making a special effort to focus on positive mental health.
All Categories:
Active Kids Award
Active Workplace Award
Active Minds Award
Active Neighbourhood Superhero Award
Health & Social Care Award
Community Sport Award
David Newton Award
Click here to find out more and nominate!

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