ESERO UK: STFC Borrow The Moon Resource
If your students love space and you’re looking for activities, it’s time to deep-dive ESERO’s resources!
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be on a mission to explore their primary/secondary collections and each week we’ll showcase a resource that we land on (in case you haven’t seen it).
Our clicks for this week led us to… STFC’s Borrow the Moon Box!
Did you know that you can see real lunar rocks and meteorites in your school?
MISSION: DEEP-DIVE 1 Visit ESERO UK > Choose Primary or Secondary – Click Resources > Choose ‘Exploring Mars’ Scroll down to UK Space Agency Resources Scroll down to STFC Borrow the Moon |
Science & Technology Facilities Council – Borrow the Moon (Box)
The STFC Lunar Rocks and Meteorites Loan Scheme has been running since the mid-1980s.
STFC has six loan boxes available to schools for Borrow the Moon, each containing the same types of meteorite and rock samples, investigation equipment, and guides.
Hundreds of schools, colleges, universities, museums and astronomical societies throughout the UK have enjoyed the meteorite samples and NASA Moon rock discs since the scheme began. The moon rocks are presented in a permanently sealed Perspex disc which contains labelled lunar soil and rock samples of different types.
See moon-borrowers’ stories here.
Don’t forget to check out all of the links in our click-box above, there are so many fantastic activities to choose from!
Schools: Space Inspirations Launch!
Inspiration Station: Artemis – Mission to the Moon
ESERO UK: Mars Day Video Playlist
More resources from ESERO UK
UK Space Agency Resources

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