Big Bang North West 2017: Unilever – Sensationally Celebrating STEM… & Selfies!
There was no question that Unilever pulled out all of the stops for this year’s Big Bang North West! Our Platinum-Plus Sponsor celebrated STEM with experiments, activities, mascots and monkeys!
Unilever Port Sunlight showcased the science behind the everyday via exciting interactive demos from their world-class research & development experts. Our attendees were truly inspired and shared the fun with their friends courtesy of the Unilever ‘People Like Me’ photo-booth!
“Unilever is one of the world’s leading fast-moving consumer goods companies. Over 2 billion times a day, someone, somewhere uses a Unilever product. All of this started in Port Sunlight and we are proud to represent the long-standing heritage at the Big Bang North West.”
‘Go Virtual’ – Immersive Experience: Unilever’s Big Bang North West stand
At this year’s event, Unilever re-opened entries for next September’s Port Sunlight Bright Future Programme. A fantastic opportunity for teachers and students to learn more about what they do and how STEM can shape a career as well as challenge individuals to help solve exciting real world business problems.
Unilever also sponsored the Award for Communication as part of the Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Competition at The Big Bang North West.
Platinum-Plus Sponsor: Unilever – Glyn Roberts
“I was very proud to work for Unilever and with the people on this project… The Big Bang North West is unbelievably rewarding. This photo speaks volumes, it gets bigger and better!”
“It’s a privilege to work with All About STEM, you are those rare people who combine passion & purpose, with pragmatism, execution and good old fashioned fun. I cant wait to see what the class of 17 / 18 come up with, have a wonderful summer break when it arrives!”
We would like to thank Unilever for their support, we can’t wait for next year and more STEM-sational monkey business!
The Big Bang North West 2017: A STEM-sational Success with Schools!
Headline Sponsor: AstraZeneca Inspire All at The Big Bang North West
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017 – Live on Twitter
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Images © All About STEM / Big Bang North West – Photographer: Gareth Jones