10 BIG BANG @ SCHOOLS GIVEAWAY & Big Bang @ Daresbury Laboratory!
Calling all Secondary Schools!
We have a Big Bang @ Daresbury Laboratory coming up on the 7th of December and…
Over the coming year we will be bringing you a series of free to attend ‘Big Bang @’ events. These will be half day events consisting of hands-on workshops, science shows & a careers market place taking place at variety of venues across the region.
The first of which is Big Bang @ Daresbury Laboratory on the 7th December! You can book to bring a group of 12 Year 9 students to either the morning or the afternoon session (they’re both identical in content).
There will be workshops & shows from:
STFC, Farm Urban (build a produce pod), FUEd (Drs of the future – augmented reality) & Science2u.
The careers market place will be full of Universities from the region offering info & informal advice & guidance… along with freebies!
Contact [email protected] or 0151 9094812 to express your interest.
We are also very excited to be able to offer you a Big Bang @ School for free too!
What is a Big Bang @ School you ask?
Well, in this case, it is a talk & presentation that we bring to you for an assembly sized audience (45mins, up to 300+ students).
It will be delivered by Dr Paul Myers & is an adaption, specifically for schools, of his TEDx talk. It will give students an insight into his journey to becoming a scientist, talking about the interests, inspirations and challenges that took him from Liverpool high school student to founder of an award-winning social enterprise.
Paul will share the skills he picked up along the way, from his time spent in remote parts of Central America doing environmental and community conservation work, studying for an undergraduate degree in Human Biology and a PhD in Epigenetics at the University of Liverpool, to time spent as a research scientist for the U.S government. Students will also hear from Shaping Futures about STEM in HE & student life.
We can deliver 10 of these Big Bang@Schools before Christmas!
First options will be given to schools that attend the Big Bang@Daresbury.
But, if you miss out this time, don’t worry… we will be back again in the new year with more of these opportunities!
If you have any questions about either of these events don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected] or 0151 9094812.
Our current Big Bang @ Events are sponsored by Shaping Futures:
Shaping Futures, (also known as the Merseyside Collaborative Outreach Programme) is a new outreach programme for the Liverpool City Region formed by 12 local Higher Education (HE) providers and led by the University of Liverpool.
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Headline Sponsor: AstraZeneca Inspire All at The Big Bang North West
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View
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