Broadgreen International School: STEM Go Fund Me
“All children deserve the best possible opportunities through their education and modern technology has the potential to show our children things they would never have expected to see. This is one of the core principles by which we, at Broadgreen International School, approach our work with our future generations of scientists and engineers.
I am a physics teacher working in a tightly funded inner city school. The children in my care come from some of the poorest socio-economic areas in the entire country. They are smart, they are keen to learn, and their creativity leaves me awed on a regular basis.
Due to the circumstances in which they find themselves, many of the young people I teach have a vastly limited breadth of experience. I want to help change that!
I propose to buy 4 VR ready PCs along with 4 VR headsets and copies of Kerbal space program and Surgeon Simulator. With this equipment my self and my team can vastly broaden the experience base of our learners – and help them see the real world applications of the Science and Mathematics which they are learning every day.
I hope to begin this experience for them after the easter break in April and any help which you can offer to us would mean the world to us, particularly our pupils. Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal.”
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The Big Bang North West 2017: A STEM-sational Success with Schools!
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