All About STEM: UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities – Funding, Resources & Events
All About STEM supports inclusion and equality for all!
The 3rd of December is the official date for the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the theme for 2018 is ‘Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’.
With this in mind, we would like to share a range of resources and funding information. These include activities that encourage children to think about disabilities & inclusion and guides for schools on learning environments and teaching. You will also find a link to our flagship event which is FREE and accessible.
CREST – Funding for young people underrepresented in STEM
CREST offers funding for young people who are underrepresented in STEM. These grants are available in rounds and although the current round is closed, the next one will be coming soon. This link is definitely one to keep if you are looking to apply!
Ford Britain Trust
Ford Britain Trust have small grants of up to £250 for work supporting activities with clear benefit to the community, work with young people/children, schools, special educational needs, those with disabilities. Applications are invited from registered charities, schools/PTAs, not for profit organisations (including small clubs and societies).
Awards for All
Awards for All award grants of between £300 and £10,000 for schools, and voluntary/community organisations in the UK running projects that enable people to take part in art, sport, heritage or community activities, or promote education, the environment or health in the local community.
Educational Grants Advisory Service
The Educational Grants Advisory Service helps students who are over 16, “taking their first steps on the educational ladder”, primarily assisting students who cannot receive statutory funding. Priority is given to lone parents, disabled students, refugees & people from underprivileged backgrounds. Call 0207 241 7459 for more information.
CREST Superstar Challenge: Playground Games (P130) 7-11 Years
This activity is designed to get children thinking about disabilities and creating games that are accessible and inclusive. Design games taking into account the needs of different players.
STEM Learning: Sports facilities for disabled people
In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation highlighting their research on the sports facilities available to disabled people now and their recommendations to increase disability sports that are available in their school and local area.
STEM Learning: Producing a Design for a Living Area for a Disabled Client
In this project, students use Autodesk Homestyler to design a living space for a disabled client. The design must include a ground floor living space with outdoor landscape.
STEM Learning: Designing for disabled children & children with special educational needs
Children and young people need attractive, accessible school buildings. ‘Inclusive’ design can enable and empower those with SEN and disabilities to participate fully in life at school and in the wider community. This building bulletin draws together information to help everyone involved in designing these schools to work together to produce good quality, sustainable school premises.
STEM Learning: Science for Secondary aged pupils with Special Educational Needs and or disability (SEND)
A wide-ranging guide which will be of use to teachers in mainstream and special schools. There are sections on teaching science to students with cognitive and learning difficulties, behavioural and emotional difficulties, communication difficulties, sensory and physical difficulties and hypersensitivity.
STEM Learning: Computing for students with complex SEND needs CY700
Discover practical and engaging ideas for teaching the computing curriculum to your learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
SEND Code of Practice / Teaching & Learning – Government Guidelines
The Big Bang North West 2019 – Exhibition Centre Liverpool
Due to high demand, we are offering schools the opportunity to express their interest in our 2019 event. There will be fire shows, dry ice, gadgets, robots, coding, forensics, creatures, slime, medical magic and so much more!
Exhibition Centre Liverpool seeks to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all delegates attending any event. Our venue is accessible for wheelchair users or those with specific access requirements. Visitors and their personal assistants will find Exhibition Centre Liverpool easily accessible. Parking is adjacent to the venue with dedicated accessible spaces. There is ramp and lift access internally and accessible toilets throughout.
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The Big Bang North West 2018: Your AMAZING Feedback!
The Big Bang North West 2018: Official Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: LIVE Twitter Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: Big Bang UK Competition Projects
The Big Bang North West 2018: Behind the Scenes
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