Big Bang North West: Prop up the tower of Pisa with ICE!
We are excited to announce that The Institution of Civil Engineers will be exhibiting at The Big Bang North West 2018!
“Join the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and our team of superheroes at the Big Bang North West to find out how civil engineers are shaping the world, transforming lives and safeguarding our futures.
Civil Engineering is a brilliant career involving important stuff such as connecting people and places by building bridges and making smart structures. Don’t just take our word for it – try it for yourself with hands-on activities including Balancing Bridges and Propping Up Pisa!”
Connecting Community: Balancing Bridges
Super Hero : Dr Robin Sham (Captain Connector)
Bridges are a great example of how civil engineers connect communities together, and the recent completion of the Queensferry crossing demonstrates the cutting edge innovation and design involved in the industry.
This activity will feature a bridge strut under construction and participants can link the two struts together with magnetically connected plastic girders. As attendees build outwards, they must keep the structure balanced as the central strut is connected to a pressure sensor and if one side is loaded too heavily, it will vibrate and cause the girders to collapse!
Smart Structures: Propping up Pisa
Superhero: Lloyd Clough (Superstructures)
Civil engineering is a massive part of human history and the general population are familiar with many iconic structures from Stonehenge to the Coliseum. This activity will use the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa to teach participants about basic soil mechanics and structural engineering.
The activity involves stacking replica 3D printed blocks of the Leaning Tower of Pisa on different materials (sponge, clay and sand) to simulate building on different soil types; the activity also demonstrates how the use of pylons can add structural security to buildings.
Joanna Bateman, Civil Engineer, ICE – STEM Ambassador – “When I was younger and didn’t know what to do in terms of a career I attended an event similar to this and, after spending time speaking to a civil engineer, I just knew it was the job for me! Now it’s my turn to be that civil engineer that can inspire our future engineers – how fantastic is that?”
“The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is currently celebrating 200 years and demonstrating the role civil engineers play in transforming lives and safeguarding our future. For the Big Bang 2018, we will be linking our engagement with the superheroes exhibition on display in London at the ILH (Infrastructure Learning Hub) as part of the ICE 200 celebration. Our three activities are based on the three exhibition zones, environmental impact, connecting communities, and smart infrastructure.”
ICE 200 Celebration
Exciting projects in the ICE Top 200
ICE: Video
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Founded in 1818, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a UK-based international organisation with over 91,000 members, ranging from students to professionally qualified civil engineers. It is an educational and qualifying body and has charitable status under UK law. ICE has become recognised worldwide for its excellence as a centre of learning, as a public voice for the profession and as a leading source of expertise.
The Big Bang North West is going to be AMAZING!
We’re FULLY BOOKED but don’t worry, you can add yourself to our waiting list and we are still open for Big Bang UK competition entrants.
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Big Bang North West 2018: AstraZeneca return as Headline Sponsor
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View
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