Unilever Virtual Careers Insight Day!
Once again we are in awe of Unilever’s dedication to promoting STEM and careers!
In light of the current pandemic, Unilever has decided to reach out to schools across the region and work with us to offer the Unilever Virtual Careers Insight Day!
This day of online webinars and workshops will not only provide an understanding of the career paths and roles at Unilever, but it will also give support on writing a CV, completing applications and information on apprenticeship opportunities.
Teachers can book to live stream to a whole class or students can register individually.
Unilever is one of the world’s leading fast-moving consumer goods companies. Over 2 billion times a day, someone, somewhere uses a Unilever product and all of this started in Port Sunlight. Be inspired by their amazing team and book your place on any or all of these sessions:
Event: July 13th 2021
Introduction to Unilever ~ 9.00 – 9:45
Meet the team and discover more about roles within the company. Don’t expect suits, ties and jargon, Team Unilever are awesome people who really enjoy what they do and their passion is infectious. The company ethos matches this as there’s a ‘culture of care‘ a wellbeing programme and the opportunity to keep learning for life.
They want you to feel valued and have access to all the tools you need to grow.
Roundtable’ Roles and Individual Career Routes ~ 10:00 – 11:20
How do you get to be a….?
After a 5 minute brief introduction to day to day roles and responsibilities, each team member will take 5 minutes to talk about their career path, the career links to their job and academic routes.
– Formulation
– Claims
– Processing
– Digital
– Packaging
Apprenticeships & UFLP Information Session ~ 11:30 – 12:15
Unilever offers a variety of ways for you to gain valuable working experience including internships, summer placements or apprenticeships.
The UFLP programme is truly unique and designed to ignite the leader in you. As a Unilever employee, the team will support you through challenging and purposeful opportunities that drive you towards a leadership role.
Interview Skills ~ 13:00 – 14:00
Get inside information from the experts along with top tips for that all-important interview. Who better to advise you than those who sit on the other side of the desk. After this session, you’ll be in the know.
CV Advice ~ 14:00 – 15:00
What does Team Unilever look for in a CV? If you want the best Curriculum Vitae you can offer to a prospective employer, then this is the session for you!
Did you know?
– Unilever has 400 brands, sales in over 190 countries and operations in 100 countries.
– Every day, Unilever products are purchased 150 million times and used 2 billion times a day.
– In 2020 Unilever provided over £3.5 million worth of donations and joined the campaign to support frontline workers and communities during the pandemic.
Unilever & All About STEM
Unilever has collaborated with All About STEM on numerous inspirational projects including their Bright Future Programme, Careers Advice for Parents, Facebook Digital Skills Training and Work Experience Programme. They have also sponsored many of our events and provided activities and inspiration for thousands of children.
Unilever has a large cohort of STEM Ambassador volunteers who give their time freely to support young people and promote STEM subjects and careers.
Join the Bright Future Aspire Programme – Year 10 -13
Unilever & All About STEM Projects

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