Big Bang North West 2017: L & R Roadlines – Where’s Your Emoji?
L & R Roadlines & HITEX International Group supported Carillion Kier (Joint Venture) & partners at the Big Bang North West 2017, promoting the sector and inspiring the next generation to join the construction industry.
We have received some fantastic feedback and photos from L & R Roadlines and would like to thank them for their STEM-sational stand.
Did you create one of their amazing Emoji tiles, how are you using it?
Tweet us your photos @TBB_NorthWest, we would love to share them!
“We thoroughly enjoyed exhibiting at The Big Bang North West. The Construction Corner was very busy with visitors queuing for one of our Emojis with their free goodie bag in hand. It was fantastic to see their excitement and eagerness in having their ‘own Emoji’ and to watch them being created. There were lots of questions about the activity too! We heated over 400 Emojis, handed out over 600 goodie bags with career leaflets, stationery items and sweets!”
“All were interested in the ‘science bit’ from raw materials to finished product. Resin that comes from renewable tree sap that has additives and thousands of glass beads to make it reflect and shine at night, to how the product is applied to the Road Surface and techniques
The event enabled us to engage with many young people, relating to the Road Marking industry and the job roles available which awakened interest to those doing their options and leaving school. It gets young people interested in science, technology, engineering and maths by illustrating how it’s translated into real life and ways in which learning can be applied to the world of work. We are actively looking for new recruits and fresh talent to join us.
A most wonderful day, full of excitement, enthusiasm, inspiration, and very rewarding, it has been a pleasure to support and promote STEM, we shall be there next year!” Lisa Shakeshaft, Commercial Manager – L & R Roadlines.
Comments from visitors:
“Is it a thermoplastic emoji melted onto a ceramic tile, the same type of material on a road.”
“They look like Astro Belts!” (Confectionery)
“Can you use these in your bathroom?”
“I thought you put the paint on the road using a can and paint brush like my mum does at home on our walls.”
“It’s melted to make it fluid then it goes solid again when it’s cold like candle wax.”
It’s great to hear that many educational establishments enquired about L & R Roadlines visiting their school at the Big Bang North West. STEM Ambassador Lisa Shakeshaft, offered her services to undertake an engineering workshop or give a talk on career options and the construction industry – awesome!
STEM Ambassadors are FREE and can visit your school to inspire your students with their knowledge and experience, find out more…
The Big Bang North West 2017: A STEM-sational Success with Schools!
Headline Sponsor: AstraZeneca Inspire All at The Big Bang North West
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View
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